UX Design Leader

Lean and Agile UX

by | Feb 22, 2021 | Thinking Like a UXer

Jay Lawlor

I’d read about lean and agile development methods in software development. It was interesting when I first encountered the concept of Lean and Agile UX. It makes complete sense as UX design is prominent in the tech sector.

The methodology combines lean product development (based on the concept of Lean Startup first proposed by Eric Ries) and agile development with UX design.

What results is a Build-Measure-Learn loop with a Scrum Framework (complete with sprints and stand ups) within the UX design process.


Agile UX and Lean UX



Lean and Agile UX in Context

I applied a Lean and Agile UX process in thinking about my Ahoy! boating weather app I am working on for my UX Immersion course. For example, let’s look at the feature where users can search current coastal weather conditions and forecasts by location.



By creating a quick search function that will return current coastal weather conditions and daily forecasts in an easy-to-read display with neatly formatted text and readable fonts, we will be able to provide useful information for recreational boaters with a pleasant user experience to keep them using the Ahoy! app.


Build-Measure-Learn Cycle


Scrum Framework

We will create user stories for the problem of boaters needing to get quick and easy-to-understand coastal weather conditions and forecasts in a display with neatly formatted text and readable fonts.

Because users will be entering a location to search weather conditions, it is important to bring the developers in on the Build phase to discuss how search results can be accomplished. As a focus of our feature is better text display, we will also want UI designers to be part of the process at the Build phase.

Following is the complete example I developed if you would like to get a fuller picture of how the Lean and Agile UX methodology is applied as part of the UX design process.