UX Design Leader

Information Architecture

by | Feb 4, 2021 | Intro to UX Design

Information Architecture is the organization of information within a system. In a website, for example, this refers to how content is grouped and navigated on a site. Information architecture is part of the Ideate step of The Design Thinking Process.


The IA process of design thinking can involve card sorting or task analysis and user flows. 

Card sorting is a design method used to help evaluate or generate ideas for the information architecture of a product or service. 

Task analysis is a process that identifies the common steps required to perform and complete a specific task.

User flows are the paths a user will follow through a website or app to complete a goal.


I find this process useful in visualizing how a user will navigate through system. This, in turn, helps inform the overall shape of the UX design.

Following is an example of a task analysis and user flows for the vocabulary app project I worked on for my Intro to UX Design course.